Thank you for reaching out to the CFPB with your concerns regarding your student loan account. We understand that you are concerned with a forbearance being placed on your student loan account and your Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) eligibility. Due to a court injunction related to the Saving on a Valuable Education plan, borrowers who are currently in SAVE or have applied for an IDR plan but whose applications have not been processed are being put into a forbearance until Aidvantage can process your application and correctly calculate your monthly payment amount. The forbearance applied to your account will depend on a number of factors, so we encourage you to visit or for the latest information. We processed your repayment plan application, and your account will switch from SAVE to the Pay As you Earn (PAYE) plan with a monthly payment amount of $467.79, first due February 22, 2025. As of July 1, 2024, the PSLF program has successfully transitioned from the previous specialty servicer and now is fully managed by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) on With the updates to their system and processes, you can now manage your progress toward forgiveness under PSLF on from start to finish. If you require additional assistance, our representatives are available by calling 800-722-1300. Visit for a current listing of our hours.
So i called aidvantage today and they said i am in forbearance until 4/30/25 and they are not switching my plan, Why would they be able to lie to CFPB ?
What can i even do from here?
By - jharner24